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Stafke is born!

HR goes for new look and feel.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Since February 2020, we have been working within ABETEC on a complete expansion of HR. We have already taken several steps and initiatives of which we are quite proud. Corona may be slowing down the pace a bit, but we will continue until all initiatives have been implemented.
An important part of this is creating our own look and feel for internal communications. Less formal, instantly recognisable and also usable when we are looking for new team members.

In cooperation with an illustrator, we came up with a little man who just stepped out of our logo. But we also thought a name was pretty important. For this, we went to consult our team. The best submissions came in and the 10 best were shortlisted and presented to our team, who had to make the final choice.

And today is the day, Stafke is born. Stafke encompasses what we do - everything - stability, techniques, architecture and 'f'eiliness. Naturally, project management, site management and EPB fall under these 4 branches.

From now on, our team will see Stafke popping up in all internal communications and organisations. Moreover, Stafke also has different outfits so that everyone knows at a glance which department the communication is intended for.

Now it's up to HR to give Stafke a place everywhere: the internal HR platform that should go live on 1 January 2022 and is still under construction, in the new welcome pack, within our lunch and learn, in all internal communications,...

The birth was well celebrated with a breakfast, a birth-after-work and christening sugar!